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Fridays,  September 15  - November 3 from 2 to 4 p.m. (NO session on October 6). 

Intersections: A Dialogue Series is an opportunity to engage with Challenging Racist ‘British Columbia’: 150 Years and Counting (CRBC). Produced as part of the commemorations of 150 years since BC joined Canada, this open-access, multimedia resources documents how the recent cycle of anti-racist activism in this province is part of a broader history of Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities challenging white supremacy for over 150 years. This seven-week series brings people together in intentional conversations to:       

  • encounter our collective past
  • locate ourselves as participants in the ongoing story of this place
  • explore how to respond faithfully to the truths we find together we can participate with God in restoring creation and affirming the dignity of all people.

A team of trained moderators will offer each of the seven sessions which are based on the information covered in the CRBC project, using video, song, prayer, self-refection exercises, readings and group discussions.  

Alternatively, this series is also offered on the same Fridays  from 7 to 9 p.m. Please register for EITHER the afternoon OR evening sessions. CLICK HERE for the EVENING SESSIONS.


Session 1: Introduction. 

Session 2: Land, language, treaty. 

Session 3: Residential ‘school’ System. 

Session 4: Restrictive immigration. 

Session 5: Japanese internment. 

Session 6: Black experiences. 

Session 7: Where to from here?


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